Sea museum and Dolphinarium

Sea museum and Dolphinarium

Kopgalis – the most northerly point of the Curonian Spit and the latest formed locality of the Curonian Spit peninsula, the integral part of Klaipėda Port. The Sea Museum – Aquarium was opened in Kopgalis fort in 1979. The aquarium contains Lithuanian freshwater fish, Baltic Sea and tropical seas fish, invertebrates, sturgeons of impressive size. Tropical sea aquaria are designated for hard and soft corals, other invertebrate species and coral fish. The Dolphinarium was opened in 1994. 11 common bottlenose dolphins and 2 California sea lions with 1 baby sea lion live in the Dolphinarium. Entertaining swim with dolphins takes place in the Dolphinarium since 2009. The Dolphinarium was closed for reconstruction in October 2010 and reopened in August 2015. The Dolphinarium along with Sea Museum and Aquarium covers an area of 33 000 m² and forms a unique complex of the marine world.

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