Visit Lithuania
If you really want to know Lithuania, you must first begin to get to know its people. Most Lithuanians are very sincere, hospitable and helpful, and, in fact, we expect the same treatment in return from our quests. Lithuanians are long-lived people, so, if you have an opportunity to talk to people of older generation, you will bring back to your country many interesting stories and experiences.
If you are tired of civilization, you will have an excellent opportunity for retreat from its pressures. You only need to go away from the big cities and travel where your heart and mind can rest – to seemingly endless forests, lakes, scattered all over Lithuania, rivers that criss-cross the country or the unforgettably beautiful Curonian Spit bathed by the Baltic Sea.
If, on the contrary, you are a truly urban person, you will find lots of things to do in Lithuania’s big cities. There are numerous museums that have accumulated huge collections, national and private art galleries, the never-ending buzz of theatre and music halls, fascinating nightlife, a variety of entertainment options and sports events. Not to mention the national dishes and drinks, which must be tasted, if you like to come home with new experiences.
We are waiting for you to visit us – it will be a pleasure for us to know you!
Quick facts
Capital: Vilnius
Official language: Lithuanian
Area: 65.300 km2
Population: 2.979.000
National currency: the euro (from 1 January 2015)
Geographical situation: Lithuania is a state in Northern Europe
Neighboring countries: Latvia, Belarus, Poland, and Russia
Announced on 16 February 1918
Restored on 11 March 1990
Form of Government: Parliamentary democracy
Head of State:
Government of the Republic of Lithuania
Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania
International membership:
NATO member since 29 March, 2004
Member of European Union since 1 May, 2004
Largest cities (number of inhabitants):
Vilnius (538 700)
Kaunas (307 500)
Klaipėda (158 900)
Šiauliai (106 800)
Panevėžys (97 600)
Administrative division:
The territory of Lithuania is divided into 10 counties.
Counties are subdivided into 60 municipalities.
Municipalities consist of 546 elderships
Ethnic composition (%):
Lithuanians: 84.2
Poles: 6.6
Russians: 5.8
Belorussians: 1.2
Other: 2.2
The total number of nationalities living in Lithuania is 154.
Religion: Most Lithuanians belong to Roman Catholic Church. There are also Eastern Orthodox, Evangelical Lutheran, Reformed Church, Eastern Orthodox, Judaism, Islam and other religions.
Life expectancy:
Average life expectancy in Lithuania is 73.7 year
Average female life expectancy is 79.1 year
Average male life expectancy is 68.1 year
Landscape: Lithuania is a flat land with plains covering approximately 75% of the country
Climate: Ranges between maritime and continental. The average temperatures are +19°C in July and -3°C in January.
Public holidays:
The New Year (1 January)
The Day of the Restoration of the State of Lithuania (16 February)
The Day of the Restoration of Independence of Lithuania (11 March)
Easter (the first Sunday and Monday after the first full moon after the spring equinox)
International Labour Day (1 May)
Rasos and Joninės Day (Midsummer Day – 24 June)
The Day of the Coronation of King Mindaugas (6 July)
Žolinė (Feast of the Assumption – 15 August)
All Saints Day (1 November)
Christmas Eve (24 December)
Holy Christmas (25–26 December)
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