Vilnius University reaches record-high 400th position in global university rating
Vilnius University has gone up to a record-high 400th position in the latest QS World University Rankings 2022. This is also the highest rating ever achieved by Lithuanian universities in the global ranking of QS universities.
The university ranked 423rd last year.
“Being among the 400 best universities in the world is a significant achievement for all Lithuanian higher education, testifying to the fact that our country has all the prerequisites for the highest level of international science and studies,” VU Rector Prof. Rimvydas Petrauskas said in a statement.
“I am certain that we are strong enough to establish ourselves among the best universities in the world and to adhere to the highest standards as they are understood in the international scientific community. However, this requires constant constructive dialogue with the public authorities so that the funding of science and studies allows for the planning of a long-term perspective,” he said.
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University chares the 751st-800th places, The Kaunas University of Technology and Kaunas’ Vytautas Magnus University rank 800th-1,000th.
American and UK universities – Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Oxford, Stanford, Cambridge and Harvard – traditionally top the list this year.
(June 9, 2021)
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