Vytautas Magnus University (VMU)

Vytautas Magnus University (VMU)

Vytautas Magnus University (VMU)

The history of Vytautas Magnus University is traced back to 1922, when the Program of Higher Studies was reorganized and a new school was founded under the name of the University of Lithuania.

When in 1919 Lithuania lost its historical capital Vilnius, it fell upon the second-largest city Kaunas to serve as the provisional capital and the country ‘s political, economic and cultural center for the next twenty years. Likewise, this university was the only higher education school in Lithuania at the time and became a vitally important breeding ground for cultural, scientific and modern national ideas. In commemoration of the 500th anniversary of the death of ancient Lithuania ‘s most popular leader Grand Duke Vytautas the Great, the University of Lithuania was renamed Vytautas Magnus University in 1930. In 1950, the university was shut down by the Soviet government, but its academic tradition was kept alive by the emigrants for long years until restoration of independence. In 1989, the university was re-established thanks to the collective efforts of Lithuanian and emigrant scientists.

VMU is a comprehensive university devoted to excellence in teaching, learning, research, arts and innovation, and fostering critical thinking, imaginative response as well as the desire and capacity for lifelong learning of our students who will have an impact on the world, locally and globally.

Study programs


Study program Duration


Tuition fee per year
Informatics Systems 4  € 3426
Environmental Science 4  € 3426
Biology and Genetics 4  € 3426
Smart Engineering 4  € 3426
Biotechnology 4  € 3426
Economics and Finance 3 € 2628
International Politics and Development studies 4 € 2628
Society, Culture and Communication 4 € 2628
World Politics and Economy 4 € 2628
Pedagogy of Primary Education and Early Foreign Language Teaching 4  € 3426
Subject Pedagogy (Art Education: Music Pedagogy) (in Vilnius) 4  € 3426
Subject Pedagogy: (Language education fields: English Pedagogy and Another Foreign Language) (In Kaunas/Vilnius) 4  € 3426
English Philology 4  € 3426
Music Production 3.5 € 7608
Performing Arts 4 € 7608
Business Administration 4 € 2628
Logistics and Commerce 3.5 € 2628



Study program Duration


Tuition fee per year
Applied Informatics 2 € 4787
Environmental Management 2 € 4787
Molecular Biology and Biotechnology 2 € 4787
Hydraulic Engineering 2 € 4787
Applied Sociology 2 € 3989
Diplomacy (in Vilnius) 1.5 € 3989
Diplomacy and International Relations 2 € 3989
East Asia Region Studies 2 € 3989
Future Media and Journalism 1.5 € 3989
International Economics 2 € 3989
Social Anthropology 2 € 3989
Social Work 2 € 3989
International Business Law 1.5 € 3989
Agri-Food Business Management 2 € 3989
Business Logistics 1.5 € 3989
Marketing and International Commerce 2 € 3989
Public Governance and Administration 2 € 3989
Educational Management 2 € 4787
Music Education (in Vilnius) 2 € 4787
Applied English Linguistics 2 € 3989
Sociolinguistics and Multilingualism 2 € 3989
Performing Arts 2 € 8969


Application and Admission Procedure

  1. Choose study program at VMU: Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) offers Bachelor’s and Master’s degree study programs that are taught in English language. When choosing a degree program, pay attention to program-specific requirements that must be fulfilled during your application.
  2. Pay the application fee
  3. Apply on-line:

Fill out the application form online and attach the required documents:

  • Copy of High School / Bachelor / Master’s degree diploma and its supplement (Transcript of Records / Mark sheet). Documents must be provided in the original language and translated into English.
  • If the applicant is currently studying in the final year of high school/secondary school or University and their institution cannot issue a final graduation diploma before the application deadline, they should submit the recent transcript of academic records and the certificate indicating the date of receiving a final secondary school certificate or final diploma.
  • Proof of English proficiency: the applicant has to present a document proving B2 level (TOEFL 87-109 iBT/534-633 PBT, IELTS 5-6,5, Cambridge English First (FCE), BEC Vantage, Michigan ECCE, PTE General Level 3, TOEIC Listening & Reading 785, TOEIC Speaking & Writing 310) if the applicant is not a native speaker and/or had not received education in English.
  • Motivational Letter (1200–3000 characters).
  • Curriculum Vitae (Resume).
  • Copy of passport or other documents of identification.
  • Copy of document showing paid application fee.
  • 1 recent photo (3×4 cm).
  • Filled and signed Letter of Concurrence.
  1. Get ready for an interview: In order to select the best and most motivated applicants, VMU International Cooperation Department’s coordinators and program coordinators interview applicants by Skype.



Study program Duration


Tuition fee per year
Full-time Part-time Full-time Part-time
Ethnology, Philology, Philosophy, History and Archaeology, Art Criticism, Theology 4 6 € 10758 € 7172
Social sciences
Education Science, Economy, Political Sciences, Psychology, Sociology, Law, Management 4 6 € 10758 € 7172
Natural sciences
Biophysics, Biology, Ecology and Environmental Science, Biochemistry, Informatics 4 6 € 10758 € 7172
Agricultural sciences
Agronomy, Forestry 4 6 € 10758 € 7172
Technological sciences
Environmental Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Transport Engineering 4 6 € 10758 € 7172


Admission requirements

  • Diploma of master’s degree or qualification adequate to it, its annex/supplement;
  • Notarised translation of the master’s degree diploma and its supplement into the Lithuanian language;
  • Document recognizing the qualification acquired abroad issued by the Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education of Lithuania;
  • 2 letters of recommendation;
  • CV;
  • Scientific publications (if there are any) and their copies;
  • Project of scientific research;
  • Copy of ID document.


International students, who are interested in permanent accommodation at dormitories for at least one semester or for a whole academic year have to reserve a room through the online system.

  • VMU dormitory No. 2, Kaunas: During the academic year international students are accommodated only in VMU dormitory No. 2 named BALTIJA, which is located in the city center (Vytauto pr. 71, Kaunas) close to the university.
  • VMU dormitory No. 5, Akademija: VMU dormitory No. 5 is located at Universiteto g. 8, Akademija, Kaunas district. Dormitory is situated in the campus of VMU Agriculture Academy.
  • VMU dormitory No. 6, Vilnius: This dormitory, which is located in Vilnius was previously known as Dormitory-Guest House of Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences.

Address:  Vivulskio g. 36, 03114 Vilnius

(More Information: https://www.vdu.lt/en/)

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