We are determined to attract Lithuanian therapeutic tourists in Iran
Mohsen Karimi Tabasi, at a congressional news conference in Tehran, said: “At the 26th of December, the ministerial meeting and the heads of the universities of Iran and Lithuania at the Spinase Hotel in Tehran will seek to expand the tourism and scientific interactions between Lithuania and Iran.
He added that Lithuania was an impartial country in political conflicts and always has been a friend of Iran.
He emphasized that Lithuania’s deputy tourism will be the guests of the next Tehran conference in 26th Nov, and my prediction is that more than 200,000 tourists from each country from Lithuania and Iran visit the country each year, in the event of expanded interactions.
He stated: Lithuania does not have an embassy in Iran, and all residence and passports affairs are done through the consular office.
He reminded that Iran had $ 13 million worth of exports to Lithuania in the last year.
Mohsen Karimi Tabasi said: for the purpose of familiarizing and establishing tourism cooperation, we will take the present Lithuanian officials with a dedicated airplane to visit Shahdad in Kerman province after the conference.
Lithuania’s Honorary Consul in Iran said: Granting a Lithuanian visa to Iranian tourists was a suggestion from my side which was agreed and will be implemented soon.
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