Thomas Mann Cultural Center, Museum

Thomas Mann Cultural Center, Museum

In 1929–1930, the family of Thomas Mann, German writer Nobel Prize Winner, built a cottage on the Mother-in-Law Hill in the northern part of Nida (Skruzdynės g.), and they used to spend their summers during the period from 1930 to 1932. Here T. Mann was writing his novel “Joseph and His Brothers” After World War II the building was standing abandoned for a while. In 1967, a reading-room and the memorial exposition of the writer were opened in this house. In 1995–1996, the summerhouse was restored, financed by the Lithuanian and German Governments, and in 1996, the memorial museum was opened there, later – the non-profit organization Thomas Mann Cultural Center. Classical music concerts, cultural evenings take place here during the summertime. International T. Mann Festival is annually organized by the Cultural Center.


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