Museum of Miniature Arts and Exhibition Hall of Lithuanian Art Museum
In 2007 Lithuanian Art Museum restored the exposition of Museum of Miniature Arts that had been open throughout 1976–1989 in Juodkrantė Evangelic Lutheran Church. Over 300 pieces of art are presented in the exposition. There are miniature painted portraits, historical medals, fans
created by the masters of Paris, St. Petersburg, and Prague (16th – 20th centuries), copper engravings, which depict costumes from the late 17th century – early 19th century. The significant part of the exhibition includes the miniatures of the self–educated artist Lida Meškaitytė, which
conveys the subtle images of the artist’s homeland (farmstead, landscape). The exhibition hall of the Lithuanian Art Museum established in 1982. The exhibitions of Lithuanian and foreign artists have been held in this hall during the summer season.
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