KN supplies Lithuania with gas for July
The Klaipeda LNG terminal (operated by KN) ensured a reliable supply of natural gas to consumers in Lithuania and neighbouring countries in July, when gas supply from Belarus was cut off for three weeks due to planned gas pipeline repairs.
Total regasification at the LNG terminal in July amounted to 2.2 TWh gas (i.e. 2.7 times more than in the same period last year). The terminal was also highly productive at offloading in July, receiving three large scale gas carriers (carrying approximately 411 000 m3 of LNG) and four small scale gas carriers (carrying approximately 38 000 m3 LNG). In July, two LNG reloading operations of approximately 7400 m3 LNG were carried out.
As in previous months, not only Lithuanian consumers but also those in other Baltic States were provided with gas, since the terminal degasified 1.5 times more gas than needed for Lithuania alone in July. The vast majority of gas (91%) brought to the Klaipeda LNG terminal came from the gas liquefaction plant in Norway.
“[The] favourable situation on international markets gives growth to demand for services of Klaipeda LNG terminal. The terminal operating reliably, intensely and effectively in July not only ensured energy security of Lithuania but also raised the interest of potential terminal users in potential new business opportunities. We hope to sustain the good indicators until the end of this year – terminal users are actively making reservations of capacities of the terminal for next gas year – arrivals of large scale gas tankers for all winter months are already approved”, said Head of Klaipeda LNG Service of KN Arunas Molis.
The LNG terminal is planning to receive one large scale and three small scale gas tankers in August, and two LNG reloading operations are planned.
Furthermore, the world’s largest LNG feeder and bunker vessel, Kairos, is due to arrive at Klaipeda for the sixth time. 10% of shares held by KN in the freight agreement of the Kairos will be transferred to German company Nauticor from 30 September under the agreement reached in the beginning of April. Around that time, a ship-to-ship LNG reload operation will be carried out at Klaipeda LNG terminal for the 100th time.
In 1H19, regasification and reloading of LNG by KN at Klaipeda LNG terminal was 6.4 million MWh (4.7 million MWh in July – December 2018; 4.5 million MWh in 1H18).
Clients of of Klaipeda LNG terminal’s degasification services include Lietuvos energijos tiekimas UAB, Achema AB, and, as of May, Imlitex UAB.
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