Visiting Health University of Iran by Dr.Karimi Tabassi
Dr. Karimi (Lithuanian Honorary Consultation in Iran) visited Iran University of Medical Sciences on June 1, 2019.
Presenters of the meeting:
· Dr. Kouhpaye Zadeh (head of the university)
· Dr. Ghasemi (International Deputy)
· Dr. Malakoty (Research Deputy)
· Dr. Mogtadayee (Head of the International Campus)
· Dr. Kabir
Lithuania’s Consulate introduced the Lithuania and expressed the educational conditions and areas of investment and cooperation in the country:
· Lithuania has ranked 57th in the field of science production in the world
· Lithuania has 24 colleges and 23 active universities and 450,000 students and students
· Studying in this country is lower than in other countries of the world and in U.K.
· The University of Vilnius is the oldest and most prestigious university in the country, ranging from 300 to 800 in all disciplines.
· It also has 63 reference hospitals and 60 independent medical centers.
Dr Kuhpaaye Zadeh (University Presidency) expressed his interest in cooperation, and expressed the cooperation between the two countries:
· By expressing the possibility of strengthening relations in the fields of health and health tourism
· And given that Iran has a lot of progress in the field of traditional medicine, Lithuania can use it.
In the end, it was agreed to take the necessary measures for understanding between the two countries. It was also stipulated to meet with the University of Vilnius and health sciences to meet with the authorities to get to know each other’s abilities and capabilities.
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